Hämeenlinna Theater

Restaurant info

Restaurant Pikkuhuvila is as a theater restaurant in Hämeenlinna and serves also an intermission foyer during performances. The intermission restaurant opens 1 hour before the performance.

For groups, we recommend preparing the intermission service beforehand to secure seats.

In connection with the performances, groups can also dine at Restaurant Iso Huvila in the main building of Verkatehdas before the performance. Minimum size for groups 20 persons. You can check availability by calling our sales service.

Meals must be booked from the sales service at least two weeks in advance.


Contact info

Keinusaarentie 5
13200 Hämeenlinna

+358 (0)45 1204 501

Väliaikatarjoilujen tilauslomake

Syksyn 2020 esitysten väliaikavarauksia otetaan vastaan 3.8.2020 alkaen.
